Port Noarlunga Primary School

Class Placement 2024 Parent Survey

Class Placement 2024 Parent Survey

The parents survey for class placement 2024 is now open. This survey will support us in making the best decisions when configuring classes for 2024. Would you mind taking 4 minutes to complete this form? ✔️ Complete one survey for each of your children.✔️ Make sure to...
Principal’s Update – Term 3, 2023

Principal’s Update – Term 3, 2023

We are nearly to the end of term and are looking forward to finishing on a high note with our Colour Fun Run. I’d like to send a MASSIVE thank you out to Briana Field and her team of volunteers for all that they do and all that they have done this term. The Bunnings...
Book Week 2023

Book Week 2023

Book Week 2023 was a great success at Port Noarlunga Primary. The Book Fair raised over $1800 —a fantastic effort! As a result, over $400 worth of new books will be allocated to the school Library for our students to access. Students again paraded the neighbouring...