The Early Years team have begun their Play Based Learning program as a tool to teach and enhance the students’ vocabulary and oral language skills.
Play Based Learning happens three afternoons a week, Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Each week, the students from Mrs Gwatking, Miss Bayly and Miss Emily’s classes work with a small group of their peers looking at a particular topic.
The adult working with the group delivers explicit teaching and related activities to develop vocabulary related to the theme. Students are provided with fun, engaging resources to actively explore and are encouraged to utilise the new words they have learnt.
Having three sessions throughout the week on one particular theme allows students to expand and build on their prior learning in each session. They then get excited about exploring a new theme the following week.
The students are passionate and engaged by our Play Based Learning program. Some of their responses are below.
I like playing with all the different toys. —Oscar
Playing with Owen and all the different people. —Lucas
I love play based learning and getting to play outside. —Isla B
Drawing —Kobe and Brody
Doing fun stuff. —Matilda
I liked playing with the play dough. —Indi
I liked learning about cafes. —Hudson
I like that we get to have fun. —Sophie
I like playing in different classrooms. —Rosie
I like playing with the sea animals. —Mason J
Playing with my friends. —Stevie
My favourite one is builders (construction) because that’s what I want to be when I grow up. —Audrey