Premier’s response sparks Principal’s Writing Challenge

Mar 24, 2023 | class story, school info, school news, wellbeing

Near the end of last year, Port Noarlunga Primary School Year 2 student, Josephine Nelson, had a wonderful idea: There’s already a Premier’s Reading Challenge… there should be a Premier’s Writing Challenge as well!

Leading by example, Josephine put her idea to paper and wrote a letter to South Australian Premier, The Honorable Peter Malinauskas.

I strongly believe that since there’s a Premier’s Reading Challenge there should be a Primer’s Writing Challenge and here’s why…

Firstly: If some people like writing more than reading; it’s way better for them.

Secondly: writing is a bit funner because you can use your imagination and make stories for other people like Trae and Jesse.

Finally: A lot of people that like writing this is the number 21 out of 28.

So as you can see this is why you should make Premier’s Writing Challenge too.

The Premier forwarded an official response to the school this week (March 2023), thanking Josephine for her wonderful idea and complimenting her persuasive writing.

Principal Marie Wright surprised Josephine and her classmates with the letter, reading the letter the Premier out loud to the whole class.

We’re proud of Josephine’s keen initiative and her willingness to take action on her idea. The positive response from the The Honorable Peter Malinauskas and her peers is well-deserved.

While a Premier’s Writing Challenge is not forthcoming, Josephine’s idea has sparked an initiative that will start at our school soon: The Principal’s Writing Challenge!

Details about The Principal’s Writing Challenge will be made available in Term 2, 2023.

Information will be posted here and on ClassDojo.

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