Year 5/6 Aquatics and Water Safety Excursion

Mar 18, 2022 | aquatics, class story, school events, sport

On Friday the 11th March the sun gods were smiling upon us as we ventured on our annual pilgrimage to Port Noarlunga Beach for aquatics and beach safety lessons.

We arrived sunblocked up and began the mission that is wetsuits! After much jumping, rolling around and remarkable body contortions, the year 5/6 cohort were ready to take on the waves, sand and fish.

Year 5 students took part in snorkelling, surfing and water safety.

Year 6 students participated in surfing, stand up paddle boarding, fishing, kayaking, bodyboarding and surfing.

Outdoor education is an important aspect of learning and is gaining more prominence in this Covid world. The Australian Curriculum explains the benefits of outdoor education are:

1. Students learn self-reliance, interdependence and leadership.

2. Students develop an adventurous spirit.

3. Students manage personal risks.

4. Students experience safe journeys in nature.

5. Students understand the value of lifelong outdoor recreation for enjoyment, health and wellbeing.

6. Understanding nature through direct experience; and the development of deeper human–nature relationships.

Some recounts from the students

Catching Waves (Surfing) by Edie

We had a twenty-minute walk down the beach (run, really) to get to the trailer which carried all the boards (surfboards and boogie boards). Then we hopped into the water (the water was FREEZING!) and got up to about waist deep in the water. As soon as a wave came, we would hop on it and let it carry us down to the shore. It was quite difficult to actually CATCH a wave, though, as it comes really fast. Once you get the hang of it, though, it gets easier. About halfway through the lesson, there came a REALLY BIG wave. Our instructors called it ‘The Wave Of The Day’. PERFECT name for it! Every one of us caught it, (no one couldn’t NOT catch it, it was so big) and we all lay down (or stood up) on our boards to the shore. That was fun!!

Stand up Paddle boarding (SUP) by Shania

SUP for me was amazing. I loved it so much I didn’t want to stop! I was also actually not that bad at it, I got on the board and away I went, I was also fast! I was scared at the same time too, yes, I do have a fear of fish, ocean and seaweed. Don’t judge me. I tried my best not to look down. It was quite a struggle to turn though but I got my way. While I was paddling near the shore I saw a crab, I was terrified so I got out of there as fast as a bullet from a gun. The instructor saw me and asked me to stand up on the board.I looked him dead in the eye and said no, then away I paddled. Then I thought about it for a while. Then what did I do? That’s right, I tried to stand up. It was a shocking success because I was so terrified that I would fall! When we had to stop I was sad but still very proud of myself that I was learning something new.

My adventure at aquatics by AJ

My day at aquatics was very fun and interesting. I loved going down into the crystal clear ocean and snorkelling and having a blast on the surfboards. I didn’t so much like putting my head under water but that didn’t stop me. Kick boards were a bit challenging with heaps of people but I pushed through it! We saw some amazing colourful fish while we snorkelled. That was my adventure at aquatics! 

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