Mr. Wakefield’s 6/7 2020 Retrospective

Nov 27, 2020 | class story

A Class Story by Mr. Wakefield’s 6/7 students

Our class has done some fun and interesting activities throughout this strange year.

Let us share some of our favourite moments!

Noah:  This year I have enjoyed being in Mr Wakefield’s class because he has pushed me to my limit to make sure i get all my work done. I have also enjoyed presenting all of my work.

Emma: My favourite piece of work is my science because I learnt a lot of things I didn’t know about and I also enjoyed the market excursion.

Matilda: I really enjoyed the market excursion because I got to buy and make my own lunch. I also enjoyed SAPSASA Netball, Footy and Umpiring volleyball. I also enjoyed being a Choir Leader, Deputy Young leader and Deputy House Captain.

Kobi: I am proud of my achievements in science and other subjects, I really enjoyed the market excursion and my favourite task was biological science.

Eve: I am proud of myself for becoming more confident in my speaking and I enjoyed buying and making my own lunch on the market excursion.

Rani: One of my favourite things of 2020 was our excursion. It covered so much. I also had a lot of opportunities to do more like bins, canteen and much more cause I love helping out and I am so grateful that I got to do SAPSASA soccer.

Anthony: I have been away from school for over six months but when I came back I felt very welcome.

Isaiah: I enjoyed doing my maths even though sometimes I don’t get it done, I also really like doing my presentation 

Jimmy: I enjoyed presenting my work to the class, I also improved a lot in my maths work.

Jay: I enjoyed having Mr. Wakefield as a teacher, I also enjoyed the colour run.

Chase: I enjoyed going on the excursion and being with the class during the day. As well I enjoyed the graphing and I’m very proud of my efforts in the whole subject. I also completed every task and presentation this year and I would like to thank Mr Wakefeild for all the skills he has taught me this year. I’m also proud of myself and class mates for organising fundraisers in Young Leaders.It has been great to be in this class thank you.

Ligeia: I enjoyed beach volleyball because it was my last year and I won the gold medal.

Pearl: My favourite memory is beach volleyball because I won a gold metal because Mr. Wakefield taught me how to work with confidence and a lot of good stress.

Aiden W: I really enjoyed doing traffic. It was fun to concentrate on listening for the whistle and doing what you’re told. 

Aiden M: I’m thankful for the excursion and Mr. Wakefield for organizing it. I also liked being in Mr. Wakefield’s class because I knew it would be a good year, maybe it was even the best experience being in his class.

Hermione: I love volleyball 2017-2018 because I won a gold medal.

Oliver: I love this school and all the teachers are caring and understanding.

Amber: The thing I enjoyed most was how we got to go around and buy and make our own lunch and see all the animals. I also enjoyed how we got pushed to do all of our work that challenged me and made me work at the best of my ability.

Nina: I enjoyed how in 2018 when me and my team won a gold in beach volleyball, trying to stand on a SUP-board and falling in at aquatics and having fun with all the cultures. 

Olivia: I really enjoyed being in choir this year and receiving a solo for “Spinning Spinning”

Gab: I liked this class and its teacher from the day I arrived. This year has prepared me for high school when I enter it. I also have seen how much Mr. Wakefield can impact people’s work and their entire routine. It has been a great honor to be in this class.

Kaden: I’m proud of myself for completing work and having improved behavior in my class. I’m thankful for Mr. Wakefield on how much he has cared for me as well as  helped me with school along the way. It was good to have responsibilities like working in the canteen and on traffic.

Gary: I haven’t been as naughty at this school compared to my last school, I also have improved in my social skills. I have also stopped hiding my face from the class.

Jamie: I loved being able to go off with other students and managing money, it was sooo fun! It was also fun preparing food and eating it afterwards, it was so yum! The work this year has been hard and we have had to persevere through everything we do, its also great for us to mature.

Bailey: I have improved so much in my work. My behavior has improved so much since i have come into this class.

Bryce: This year has been the best of all Because how he pushes me and others to our limits to get the best work out of us. I also enjoyed doing subjects and work that I have never even done before. As well, I’m proud of myself for completing most of the work.

Dexter: The best moment of this year was when I got my first B+ on my tech for earth as a dynamic system, my parents were so proud.

Lacey: This year I have learnt to speak up and present to the class. I also enjoyed how open and creative Mr. Wakefield is and I think it shows in his class. Thank you for all these great memories

Thank you for sharing our memories as you read.

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