Miss Alana’s class of year 1/2 bananas have been putting their green thumbs to work with a new project.
Outside our classroom we have two brand new garden beds which some year six students assembled for us to get started.
We have planted an assortment of produce! Rosemary, thyme, parsley, lettuce, strawberries, chives, garlic and even wasabi! We were lucky to have a lot of rain over the weekend to give them a big soak. We have put our mulch down and some organic pellets, thanks to a generous donation from one of our parents. We are looking forward to watching them grow and giving our veggie patch the T.L.C. it needs. Next time you are around the deck near the year 1/2 classes, have a look at our flourishing produce!
“It is going to be good when people want some of the herbs and vegetables for cooking at home.” — Ethan, Year 1 Student
This term in chemical science we have put our knowledge of materials to help us find ways of recycling and repurposing materials. To end our unit we made papier-mâché egg carton bowls. We ripped up the cardboard into tiny pieces and mixed in glue, salt and water. Then we moulded them into a bowl shape and are now waiting patiently for them to dry.
“We had to rip up the egg cartons really, really small to make sure they could be made into something new.” — Summer, Year 1 Student
“Recycling things is better then throwing them out to landfill” — Josh G, Year 2 Student
“Recycling is when you have to break it up to make something new again and repurposing is when you can use it again in a different way like a jar.” — Jada, Year 2 Student
In class we have spoken about the ways that we can recycle and repurpose at home. Here are some of our ideas that the students wanted to share for some holiday projects:
- Toilet paper roll seedling cups
- Jars for storage and decorating
- Plastic drink bottles into bird feeders
- Milk carton hanging planter