Day 1

Remote Learning 2022

Week 1, Day 1 – Wednesday 2nd February

Who am I? – Identity

Today we will be:

  • Writing a recount about our favourite day from the holidays
  • Creating an art piece all about you
  • Maths with numbers from your life
  • A kahoot about our staff’s super powers

Writing Task:

Junior Primary students:

Pick your favourite day from the holidays and write a few sentences explaining what you did, who you saw and why it was your favourite day. Use time phrases (First, then, after, finally).

Draw a picture and label who you were with or where you were.

Primary students:

Pick your favourite day from the holidays and write a recount. Use descriptive language and time phrases (next, after, before, then…). Make it clear why you picked this day. Include a labeled illustration.

Upper Primary students:

Pick your favourite day from the holidays and write a recount. Use descriptive language and time phrases (next, after, before, then…). Make it clear why you picked this day. Include an annotated diagram.

Book and Art Task:

Listen to the book ‘We are all Equal’ and create a poster or self portrait. Try to include things that make you special.

You can create this inside or outside with chalk or paints.

Examples and Prompts:

  • Favourite Colour
  • Favourite Food
  • Special Talent (inside and outside of school)
  • Favourite Activity
  • One word to describe me
  • Favourite toy, game and/or hobby
  • Favourite place
  • Someone special to me

Maths Task: All about me and my numbers

Junior Primary students:                               My Numbers

My Birthday Numbers




My House Numbers

House Address Number:



Years lived there:

My Family Numbers




My Family Car Numbers

Number of Cars:

Number of car doors:

Number of wheels:

Sibling number + month number =

House number + family number =

Birthday number + number of pets =


Multiply number of adults by car doors.

Multiply bedrooms by number of cars.

Multiply age by pets.

Number of wheels + birthday date =

Age + month number =

Family number + number of car doors =


Subtract your numbers from your year birth number
(example 2015 – 30 = 1,985)

Draw to work out or use your strategies. Chunking, number line adding or split strategy.

(number lines, grouping, 100 Chart, counting objects)

Primary students:                                            My Numbers

My Birthday Numbers




My House Numbers

House Address Number:



Years lived there:

My Family Numbers




My Family Car Numbers

Number of Cars:

Number of car doors:

Number of wheels:

Sibling number x month number =

House number x family number =

Birthday number x number of pets =


Divide the totals above (use remainders) by:

The number of adults =

The number of bedrooms =

The number of pets =

Year of birth – the day of your birth =

Add all of your family numbers together =

Family numbers – number of car doors =


Year of birth – day of birth – all family numbers =

Year of birth – Family numbers + car numbers =

Upper Primary students:                                  My Numbers

My Birthday Numbers




My House Numbers

House Address Number:



Years lived there:

My Family Numbers

Number of Adults and Ages:

Number of Siblings and Ages:

Number of Pets and Ages:

My Family Car Numbers

Number of Cars:

Number of car doors:

Number of wheels:

Sibling number x month number =

House number x family number =

Birthday number x number of pets =


Divide the totals above (use decimals if numbers do not divide evenly) by:

The number of adults =

The number of bedrooms =

The number of pets =

Place the ages of all family members, including pets, on a number line.

Use the total number of all family members as your denominator to work out the fraction of:

Adults in your house

Children in your house

Pets in your home


Convert the fractions found above into decimals and percentages.

Kahoot: Guess Who

Find 5 Minutes to test your knowledge

Game Pin: 08918552

Physical Activity:

Remember this song? Have a dance and fall in love with learning.

Sonic Cosmic Kids Yoga

Head outside and…

  • Count how many insects/animals you can hear
  • Read a book
  • Watch the clouds
  • Water the plants
  • Make an obstacle course
  • Weeding 
  • Make a hopscotch
  • Make a mud pie

100 Chart: