Day 6

Home Learning

Week 2 – Wednesday, 9th February, 2022

Today’s topic is: “Wellbeing, English and Health”

Welcome video:


Lester and Clyde by James H Reese

Two fat green frogs live together in a pond. One day when old Clyde was asleep in the sun, young Lester decided to have some fun. The story deals with man’s pollution.


This morning’s Well-Being task is: Get your YOGA done!

Harry Potter and The Philosopher’s Stone | A Cosmic Kids Yoga Adventure!


Remember last week, we asked about your strengths and what you bring to your class and school community?
We will need Leaders within the classroom and school community.

Put together a presentation to be:

  • A Young Leader 2022
  • House Captain (Yr 5/6)
  • Choir leader
  • School community jobs (flag, traffic, canteen, bins, sports..)
  • Classroom position (lunch monitor, equipment monitor, sports equipment monitor…)

The format can be:

  • Poster
  • Speech
  • Persuasive text
  • PowerPoint/Slides
  • Digital recording


In 2022 there will be no bins in our school yard. 

You read that correctly.


We are all about Nude Food and Sustainability.
What does this mean for YOU?

  • There will be NO bins in the school yard.
  • There will be less bins in your classroom.
  • If you bring rubbish/food wrappings and drink boxes/containers to school, you take them home to be put into recycles,  landfill or soft plastics REDcycle collection points at Woolworths and Coles.
  • For more information:

Your mission is and you MUST accept:

  • List foods you enjoy in your school lunches.
  • Design your school lunch boxes for one week.
  • Reduce the amount of wrappings/litter.
  • Write a shopping list.
  • Come to school NUDE!

Bonus task:

  • Compare prices for large containers versus small individual packages. (chips, biscuits, yoghurts…)
  • Calculate the number of packers/wrappings/containers you are bringing to school each day, week, term and IN A YEAR!

Remember to use the Australian Guide to Healthy Eating when planning your lunch box:

Health & Well-Being

Our VALUES are what we believe to be important, right, and fair.

Discuss the above statement with a family member or friend.

What will you honestly do?

  1. You find a wallet with $300. What will you do with it?
  2. Your friend has just thrown his chip wrapper on the ground at school. What do you do?
  3. Your neighbour has been leaving his dogs alone for days at a time and they are always barking. What will you do?
  4. Someone has left a new hoodie in the playground and it is your size and has no name on it. You just lost your favourite hoodie a few weeks earlier. What do you do?
  5. Your best friend has just told you she has been stealing car tyre caps. She wants you to swear you won’t tell anyone. What do you do?
  6. Someone at school has invited you to a birthday party on Friday night and you’ve said yes. Then your best friend invites you to do something even more fun on the same night. You can’t do both, what do you do?
  7. You see the new kid being teased by some older students. They’re friends of yours too. What do you do?

Values are important to help us make good decisions.

Which decisions above did you find easy?


Thank you for taking part in today’s online learning.