Day 3

Home Learning

Week 1 – Friday, 4th February, 2022

Today’s topic is: Setting Goals


  • Set yourself some outdoor goals that you can complete. Time or score this task and record your time/score. e.g. bouncing a ball, running to and from the letterbox, skipping without stopping etc.
  • Repeat your activities later in the day, can you beat your earlier time/score?
Maths Game: Creative Counting/Outdoor Maths

For today’s maths lesson, go outside into your yard and count how many of the things below you can see:

  • birds
  • trees
  • flowers
  • pavers
  • kids’ toys
  • tables and chairs
  • animals
  • transport

🌼 flowers = 2 points
🦜 birds = 3 points
🌳 trees = 4 points
🐱🐠🐔🐶 animals = 5 points
🚗🚚🛴🚲 transport = 6 points


  1. Add together combinations of points (e.g. add the points from birds with points from transport, 3 (birds) + 6 (transport) = 9)
  2. Multiply combinations of points
  3. Use your points to come up with many other maths problems, this may include subtraction, division, or a combination of all of them!


Set yourself a reading goal. How long can you read uninterrupted (reading stamina)? Can you beat this time each day?

Set yourself a goal to help another person each day. How could you record what you did?

Listening to Reading – Story time with Mr. Heard, ‘Giraffe’s can’t Dance’

Writing Task 1

Write a short story about somebody achieving a tricky goal.
Use today’s ‘story of the day’, ‘Giraffe’s can’t Dance’, to find some inspiration.

Writing Task 2
Record your answers to these questions:

  • What’s something you wish you could achieve?
  • What would you do if you knew you couldn’t fail?
  • What’s a challenge you would feel very proud to overcome?


Identify three school goals and three personal goals you would like to achieve this year. Display these goals in a format of your choice. This may include a poster, Google Slides, collage etc. Example:

Brain Breaks

Throughout the day, take the time to take a ‘brain break’. Follow the links below:

‘Go Noodle’

‘Cosmic Kids Yoga’

‘Dance Curriculum’