Port Noarlunga Primary School

New 5/6 Student Leaders Structure

Feb 26, 2024 | school info, school news, student achievement, wellbeing, young leaders

By Dylan Carter – Deputy Principal, Port Noarlunga Primary

It has been an exciting and energising start to the year at Porties in 2024.

From a personal perspective, it has been amazing to join the team and feel the warm and inviting environment that all staff, students and parents/caregivers have shown to all new staff and students joining us this year. Moving from a small country school in the south east of Adelaide in Tintinara for the past 8 years, it has been great to witness all the fantastic fresh ideas and movements happening here.

New Student Leadership Structure

One thing that I am very excited to see flourish, is the new look for our 5/6 student leadership structure. This year, we have changed the traditional young leaders model in this cohort and grouped all of the 5/6 students into specific areas of interest:

  • Learning and Support
  • Media and Communications
  • Sustainability
  • Technology
  • Auslan
  • Choir
  • House Captains
  • Library
  • Wellbeing
  • Assembly
  • Lunch Sports
  • Administration
  • Arts and Culture

This will be fantastic on our endeavour to continue to work towards a more holistic approach driven by student agency across the school.

A selcection of these students will be chosen to represent the school and attend a Youth Leadership Day at the Adelaide Convention Centre in Week 6, learning and hearing from prominent and inspiring leaders across Australia. They will help lead their faculty groups and ensure student voice is being heard and acted upon in our school.

Other classes will still have the opportunity to apply and be voted in as Young Leaders for their specific classes. These chosen students will work with staff on their thoughts and ideas for the school and continue to develop their own leadership skills along the way.

We feel this is model is an amazing approach that will help all voices be heard and develop skills that will last a lifetime.

Dylan Carter
Deputy Principal
Port Noarlunga Primary

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