Principal’s Update – Week 6, Term 1, 2021

Mar 4, 2021 | principal's update, school info

Dear all,

This week has been a challenging one for our school community. Many of us are still reeling from the sad news we received on Monday morning.

We have put structures and supports in place as a school to support each other and I will continue to seek ways to further provide support. This is a particular need within our parent group and one that I am highly conscious of.

The outpouring of love, care and offers of support have been amazing and are something that is at the core of the Porties school community. Kindness and empathy abound within the staff, students, families and broader community. This is rare and something we should all hold dear.

We are all looking at ways to support our student and their family. After liaising with the family, there is one thing that we can do to support and that is through the provision of meals over the coming weeks. If you are keen to provide a meal could you please send Victoria Corbett a message on Class Dojo advising when you would be able to assist. We will then put together a schedule and let you know more. The school can be the drop off and storage point for now. More information will follow early next week.

I would like to remind you all that we as a school are here for you at this time and any other time. We are also aware, and extremely appreciative, of the support and care that you provide to us. This is what makes our community so special and one that I am proud to be a part of.

Finally, I would like to recognise the staff of our school who have given their all to each other, the students and families this week in particular. The external counsellors that we have had in to the school this week have commented on the ‘vibe and feel’ of the school and the embedded support structures and strategies in place. Our students are at the centre of all we do and it is even more visible in times of challenge.

This is a safe and nurturing place for our children and I am grateful to everyone who plays a part in this.

Please be kind to yourself and each other,

Take care,

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