Principal’s Update – Week 1, Term 1, 2021

Jan 28, 2021 | principal's update, school info

Welcome to the new school year at Port Noarlunga Primary.

Our year has started on a positive note with students and staff keen to get into the learning. We welcome some new staff members this year and they have fitted into our team seamlessly. They are:

Karen Gillespie – Deputy Principal
Kym Steele – Year 4/5 teacher on Friday (Ms Sander)
Dana Lauck – Reception teacher on Wednesday (Mrs Gwatking) and Friday (Mr Josh)
Nicole Zan – Year 1/2 teacher
Anji Solomann – Aboriginal Community Education Officer

We continue to face some challenges with COVID-19 restrictions and limitations and I will keep you updated when things change. We will be getting our QR code on Monday February 8th and all visitors to the site (including staff and families) will need to scan it upon entry to the school grounds. We will have options available for those of you without smartphone access to sign in.

I ask that you consider joining the school Governing Council this year. We have a large turnover of members from last year and will benefit from new ideas and perspectives. More information about the upcoming AGM will be posted on ClassDojo soon.

You will have seen that your child has a Wellbeing Journal/Planner this year. We made the commitment to trial these in 2021. There are some positives that stand out for me – every child can record their reading every night, there is a wellbeing component every week and, there is a consistent format across the school. These were not cheap items and we will replace lost journals with a generic diary or reading log. Thus, I urge you to keep an eye on these and make sure they have a specific spot in the school bag.

Thank you all for your positive comments and feedback to our staff so far this term. It is wonderful that there are so many new learning partnerships / relationships forming across the school already.

Take care and I’ll hopefully see you soon,

Marie Wright

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