A Class Story by Miss Alana’s Banana’s

Due to excursion restrictions the year 1/2 team organised a BIG DAY IN consisting of a Fire Pit 🔥 and afternoon Mud Play.
On Friday week 9 of Term 3, after a term that had us working hard, we settled around a campfire, toasted a marshmallow or two, drank yummy Milo and we were looking forward to getting muddy.
We needed two very basic ingredients… dirt and water!
We quickly learnt that dirt + water = smiles, sensory fun, creativity and joyful activity.
We were timid to start but once we got the hang of it we progressed from delicate face dots to a full immersion of MUD!
The open-ended nature of our mud play meant there were no end to the creations, ideas and games the students invented. In the time of our unstructured mud play the students were building their ability to form ideas, problem solve, as well as being innovative and inventive! We got busy with mud salons, mud masks, puddle jumping competitions and mud ball throwing.
We highly recommend getting muddy!
In Term 3, we worked hard to learn about our solar system, our home Earth 🌎 and how our weather and seasons work. We finished our Information Report/Science unit by cloud ☁️ watching, munching on a Milky Way 🌌 and investigating the water cycle.
With the rain we had in Week 10, it seemed to be the perfect time to experiment with PRECIPITATION.
Precipitation is not only our favourite word to say and our favourite stage of the water cycle 🌧 ☁️ but we noticed it happening a lot in Week 10!
We used a cup of water and shaving cream to show that when the water vapour turns back into liquid in the cloud (condensation) and the droplets get SO HEAVY 💧 that the cloud (shaving cream) can’t hold them any longer… and they come down in the form of rain, hail or snow.
The students then drew their observations and drew a diagram of the water cycle including the other stages.
What we observed had us EXCITED. We were not so excited about the real life precipitation because rain = inside play.