Dear all,
COVID-19 has certainly turned the world upside down and I think it is fair to say that most people are ready for a party, a drink at the local, staying at the playground, heading to the footy etc. We wait for the day that restrictions are lifted but certainly recognise the importance of them to ensure our health and safety.
We have seen an increase in frustration and anger levels in children and adults lately which has caused me some concern. I know that my tolerance levels have lowered and I am feeling that people aren’t getting the best of me right now.
Throughout the peak of COVID-19 we saw the best of our school community with caring and understanding at a high level. It was a tough time but it was one that we shared together as a school community.

My feeling is that we have lost some of that lately and I understand the frustrations. However, we need to remember what it is that frustrates us. There is a lot of misplaced anger and frustration occurring across the community. Fuses are short and it is easy to vent and challenge someone at the end of a phone or online when you feel like this.
I guess what I’m asking is that you consider that everyone is faced with these restrictions. Pause before you press send and consider the impact on the person on the other end of the line. Everyone is navigating this crazy world and, as clichéd as it sounds, we are all in this together. Now is our opportunity to strengthen relationships, model kindness and empathy to our children and build the community that we want.
My hope is that we continue to build the family feel in our community and that our children experience a level of connectedness and care that will support them as they grow and learn.
Take care,
Marie Wright